Looe Country Park, Bucklawren Road, Nomansland, Looe, Cornwall PL13 1QS
How to find us
Looe Country Park
Bucklawren Road
Cornwall PL13 1QS
Please make sure if using a Satnav, that it brings you via the B3253 and No Mans Land!!
From M5 on to A38 towards Plymouth. Over the Tamar Bridge, then straight over 1st roundabout and follow A38 to next roundabout (Trerulefoot).
Turn left A374 towards Looe and Torpoint. After about a mile turn right A387 towards Looe, follow through Hessenford and on to Widegates.
At Widegates stay left onto the B3253, after a mile turn left for No Mans Land.
At the top of the lane, turn left onto Bucklawren Road, then continue half a mile past the signpost to Bucklawren and approximately 50 metres further on you will find the entrance to Looe Country Park on the right.
We accept most major credit cards.